"Why Google is not accepting their website or blogs" for adsense?".There are lots of increasig querries about this by new account publishers trying to submit their blogs or website for adsense account creation.
Though Google is always prompt in action regarding the acceptance or rejection of websites or blogs through personal emails, yet their reply contains multiple probabilities for rejection of a certain website or blog for new adsense account. Since these probabilities being not specific for specific application, the publisher usually gets confused about which factor in their website or blog lead to the rejection.
So, I am going to explain a bit in details about what should be the favourable condition for your website or blog that should be made before applying to Google adsense. Though this is not gauranted that Google will never reject your site/ blog after following these points, yet it is assured that making the conditions favourable for your website will increase the chances of success of adsense account creation upto 99% as these are the guidelines made by google itself.
10 Points to be followed:
- Your website/ blog should be as old as 6 months or more before applying for adsense account.
- Only a website or blog that has been register 6 months ago or more but without or having little content or website that is under construction from technical point of view is subjected to rejection for adsense account. So, make your adsense application only after your website/ blog is qualifying the age of 6 months or more. Take care that your site/ blog should have enough content to qualify for adsense.
- The website or blog should be under process of regular updating since its registration. The website not being updated on a regular basis may be considered by google as being rejected by the publisher itself hence adsense often doesnot accept such types of sites/ blogs.
- Even the website or blog qualifying the age and huge contents criteria may get dis qualified by adsense if your content contains copied material from other websites/ sources that can catch sight of Google. So, be orignal about contents and try to make your content unique.
- Though not absolutely needed but google likes well promoted sites with atleast few visitors. This will assure that your site/ blog will not get rejected provided other conditions being satisfied.
- Never try Blcak Hat SEO on your website/blog, you will not only being rejected for adsense rather you may get banned from google indexing for that. I will discuss about Black Hat SEO in my coming blogs.
- It is not absolutely needed that you have to own your own domain for getting Google adsense account but you should have access to edit the HTML source code to place the codes provided by adsense on your site/ blog to earn. Otherwise your application will be rejected on submission with any website that you've not owned like - www.google.com, www.yahoo.com etc . If you don't have your own website just create a blog of your own using GOOGLE's free blog service. Click here for a new accoun - http://blogspot.com .
- You should have a valid address, pin number, phone number as it is a part of Google Adsense verification before accepting your account.
- Your age should be 18yrs old or more. Application forms should be properly filled up to be accepted.
- If you are already using any non google ads on your website/blog, don't bother about that as Google has given a clean cheat to that provided you should have to maintain basic difference between google ads and other ads in respect of its color and appearance.
1 Comment
nice post. but what is the reason for rejecting my site www.biz-online.com ? It looks great in every sense - isn't it?
Posted on May 12, 2009 at 12:03 PM
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